The Vera Roasting Privacy Policy can be found in the footer of our website. 

  • California Online Privacy Protection Act (CalOPPA): Requires a Privacy Policy that's posted in a conspicuous place and that describes how you collect information, what data you request, and how customers can change inaccurate data.
  • Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA): The Canadian privacy law requires Canadian businesses to secure consent before collecting personal information. These processes must be outlined in your Privacy Policy in plain language.
  • Australia Privacy Act: This act addresses information privacy with 11 principles. They address issues like the collection of information, requesting it, and access to records. There are also limited allowable uses for the information and if your Privacy Policy is open and transparent, you will likely meet the standards in this act.
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): The EU's comprehensive, far-reaching and robust law for privacy protection promotes consumer privacy rights and the requirement of a Privacy Policy.



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