Our brewing process includes resveratrol infused into the Vera Roasting Co.'s Cardio Blend. This exclusive patented process enhances the coffee's properties specifically correlated to muscle growth, weight loss, skin elasticity, and weight loss.


The Intriguing Story of Vera Roasting Co.

How a New Hampshire Chemist Changed the World

Meet the Brains Behind Vera Roasting

A Vera Roasting coffee bean's trip starts with a breathtaking vista high in the highlands of Central and South America. The bean is resting in a field high in the mountains, nestled in the shade, but it still has a long way to go before it reaches the cup.

To hear Glen Miller Ph.D. discuss the Origins of Vera Roasting click here.

Good health starts with a healthy heart


Aging is inevitable but high cholesterol, obesity, and chronic diseases don’t have to be. The innovative ingredient, resveratrol, naturally infused in Vera’s coffee is natural and scientifically proven to help improve heart health.

Glen Miller, Ph.D., the creator of Vera Roasting and a professor at the University of New Hampshire, was diagnosed with high blood pressure in 2015 at a routine doctor's visit.

Dr. Miller began thinking of ways to diminish his risk for heart disease. As a scientist, he was aware of the "French Paradox".

The "French Paradox" refers to the paradoxical empirical finding that, despite eating a diet relatively high in saturated fats, much as their neighbors, the French people had a relatively low incidence of coronary heart disease. This finding appears to run counter to the widely held belief that a high intake of these fats was a risk factor for coronary heart disease.  

The idea that daily consumption of red wine directly affects French longevity and their lower prevalence of heart disease is supported by scientific evidence.

Resveratrol is a polyphenol antioxidant that is naturally present in red wine. Resveratrol was first identified in the 1940s, but it gained popularity in the 1990s when research revealed that red wine delivers heart-health benefits.

"What specifically about red wine explains the paradox?" Dr. Miller questioned. "The preponderance of the evidence from scientific papers, peer-reviewed and published in leading journals, pointed to resveratrol."

"A highly beneficial antioxidant, resveratrol is not only capable of reducing the risk for coronary heart disease but other diseases, including cancers and aging-related cognitive decline. What could I do to make resveratrol a regular part of my diet?" stated Dr. Miller in a recent interview.

Dr. Miller's focus was to find another way, other than red wine, to consume resveratrol on a daily basis.

Dr. Miller was not a regular red wine drinker and was looking for alternative ways to make resveratrol a regular part of his diet. What about resveratrol supplements, or pills?

They're available. “But as I looked at them, I realized the resveratrol in red wine, which has these heart health benefits, is soluble and bioavailable. But the resveratrol in tablets is in a solid form.”  The problem is that “resveratrol is not very soluble in water,” Dr. Miller continues. 

On average, human bodies are about 60% water. “And so when we consume a pill of solid resveratrol, most of it just passes through. It's very wasteful. The benefits of solid resveratrol are unclear. I wanted to figure out a way to introduce resveratrol into my diet, and I wanted it to be a soluble and bioavailable form like it is in red wine.” Ideas kept coming but nothing really stuck. 

He considered other foods but none of them delivered as much resveratrol as red wine. “Blueberries have a tiny amount of resveratrol. Peanuts, likewise, have a tiny amount of resveratrol. There really isn't any other food that has a significant quantity of resveratrol.”

The Lightbulb Moment

“I was literally in the shower one day thinking, how can I make resveratrol a part of my daily diet?”  It was as if a light bulb went on in his head, and he realized that he had the answer, coffee! 

“I'm a coffee lover and have been a coffee lover for a long time, and I realize that coffee has some attributes that could be very, very beneficial. Coffee could be the perfect vehicle for resveratrol.” Dr. Miller stated. “If resveratrol is naturally found in red wine, is it possible to put it in coffee?” 

He then set to work. According to USA Today, as many as 83% of US adults drink coffee every day. This meant that Dr. Miller’s work could lead to an easy way for many US adults to introduce resveratrol into their diets as well. 

An Innovative Groundbreaking Process

“I started working on it and I developed a method to infuse freshly roasted coffee beans with resveratrol. That means the resveratrol is inside the bean.”

Dr. Miller created a groundbreaking way to turn his coffee-drinking experience into a daily wellness routine.  “I discovered a method to infuse resveratrol into freshly roasted beans. And then I formulated it in such a way that when you take those beans and grind them and ultimately produce coffee, the coffee has the same amount of resveratrol as a typical glass of red wine. For that, I was awarded a U.S. patent, and I realized I've got to share this with the world.”

Thus, the name Vera was born. Inside the word resveratrol, just like a hug, you will find the word, Vera.

“I'm a coffee lover and I wanted to create a premium coffee that I would drink every day.” Vera Roasting uses 100% Arabica organic coffee beans purchased from small farms (in Central America) in a very ethical way. The farmers enjoy the profits of their labors.

Does the resveratrol change the flavor of the coffee? “No. It doesn't change the flavor, but it does impact the mouthfeel of the coffee. So if you think about red wine, you take a glass of red wine and swirl that around your tongue. It’s very smooth. Vera’s coffee is just a little more smooth than you're used to. And it's better for you.”

About Vera Roasting Co.

Today, Vera Roasting offers additional varieties of its resveratrol-infused coffee in three blends Calm Blend, Cardio Blend, and Immunity Blend in whole bean, ground, and K-Cup® options.

Shop online at to find a variety of coffee options.

Vera Roasting delivers a premium coffee experience with added health benefits by infusing only specialty-grade, 100% Arabica coffee beans roasted in small batches by a master roaster.

“We are committed to integrity, ingenuity, and authenticity, and work to provide the best possible products and services to our customers,” Dr. Miller stated. “We imagine a world where there’s no such thing as a bad cup of coffee and our friends and family are healthier together.”

“The pandemic and the many diverse challenges of the recovery, globally and in our own backyards, have given us an increased appreciation for the fragility of life — in our relationships, in our communities, and on our planet,” says Vera Roasting Co., President, Tim O’Neil. “We’re ever more cognizant of how our decisions affect people, the environment, and the communities where we operate and source coffee around the world, which gives our work in 2022 even more significance and meaning.”

Shop online at to find a variety of coffee options. Premium 100% Arabica bean coffee from Central America, infused with resveratrol. Options include: Cardio Blend infused with resveratrol, Immunity Blend infused with resveratrol and vitamin D3, and Calm Blend infused with resveratrol and CBD.


Posted by: Kate Putnam
Vera Roasting Company
Location: 903 Central Ave., Suite 4,
Dover, NH USA



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